NUS Medical Society: An introduction

Written by Peng Tao (Class of 2020)

A very warm welcome to the Medsoc website!

Every student is a valuable member of the NUS Medical Society, be it pre-clinical or clinical. As we move into the second half of the 69th Medical Society’s term and prepare to usher in the 70th, we strive to continue providing consistent and multi-faceted services to you. We hope to value-add to the current structure set in place by our predecessors, adapt to the students’ ever-changing needs with new opportunities.

The Medical Society has constantly been aiming to provide platforms for holistic student development and to promote student advocacy. We function not only within the student body, but also act as a voice for our students to external partners, ensuring ample point of contact and opportunities for outreach.

The Medsoc Website serves as a one-stop portal to the various online platforms managed by Medsoc. It aims to provide relevant and up-to-date information for pre-clinical and clinical students, as well as improve outreach to the student body . Along with updates, we wish to showcase the insights of our student body in this website.

The society has organized operations into 3 main clusters: Education and Training, Outreach and Engagement, and Student Life. The clusters work to boost both academic and extra-curricular pursuits, through a wide range of events and services.

Education and Training Cluster

Academic Affairs Directorate: The Academic Affairs Directorate advocates an optimal learning environment and fosters a spirit of mentorship through organization of academic teaching sessions heralded by seniors for juniors, curation of online academic resources, as well as advocacy of curricular changes on behalf of our students.

Research Directorate: The Research Directorate aims to foster interest in medical research through provision of research opportunities. Through partnership with the Wong Hock Boon Society and events such as the Medical Grand Challenge, research platforms are advocated.

Career Guidance Directorate: The Career Guidance Directorate works to keep students up to date on life after graduation, and promote informed career choices through multiple career fairs and engagement sessions. In these events, information pertaining to PGY1 and specialties are shared.

Outreach and Engagement Cluster

Publications Directorate: The Publications Directorate aims to foster an interest for the literary arts and document the year’s happenings, through various printed publications alongside online platforms such as the Medsoc website and Writing Month.

Public Relations Directorate: The PR Directorate offers coverage and publicity of the school’s projects and events via social media, photography, and other publicity materials. It promotes engagement with the public through events such as NUS Open Day, NUS Medicine Meet and Greet and showcases members of the school through Humans of NUS Medicine

International Relations Directorate: The IR Directorate provides support for students in their electives experience, while advocating ambassadorship through international exposure. Besides representing the school for international relations matters, exchanges with various schools abroad and inter-school dialogues are also organized.

Organisational Development Directorate: The OD Directorate works closely with external partners, alumni and parents to build stronger relationships for the development of the society and to aid students in various areas such as fundraising for projects.

Student Life Cluster

Arts and Culture Directorate:The Arts and Culture Directorate aims to nurture an appreciation for the arts and develop talents in this field, through events such as Playhouse and heARTBuzz, which are platforms for our students to showcase their talents through plays and performances.

Community Service Directorate: The Community Service Directorate advocates volunteering opportunities by support through partnership with over 30 projects, and workshops throughout the year to engage and educate service leaders as well as volunteers on practical and management skills.

Sports Directorate: The Sports Directorate endeavors to smoothly and successfully execute sports events in the school, fostering bonds both within and outside of the faculty. The logistics and planning for sporting events such as MedNurse, MedLaw and MUNUS are spearheaded by them.

Social Directorate: The Social Directorate creates chances for students to widen their social circles amidst the bustle of medical school life, promoting a truly interconnected school life. They also manage events such as the White Coat Ceremony, Medical Dinner and Dinner and Dance.

Welfare Directorate: The Welfare Directorate seeks to build a caring culture in the school, providing support to students in stressful times or technical support to events and facilities geared towards the welfare of students. Welfare dinners and packs, storage spaces, and second hand textbook sales are under this directorate’s purview.

Freshmen Orientation Programme Directorate: The FOP Directorate ensures the smooth running of the freshmen orientation programmes, including Medicamp, FOCCIP and Freshmen Challenge. A culture of friendliness and self-discovery is inculcated in the new faces of our community to start their medical school journey well.

Watch this space for future updates to the website, which we are sure to be helpful and relevant to you!

If you are interested in helping with the publishing and creation of content on the website, please contact the Publications Directorate at