68th Medsoc Treasurer, Lin Kyaw

“During M1, I’d always be thinking about how I could help the school and my friends more. I come from a family that does business, so I’m quite inclined to understanding how money moves, how money is supposed to move. It was near the end of M1 when …

“During M1, I’d always be thinking about how I could help the school and my friends more. I come from a family that does business, so I’m quite inclined to understanding how money moves, how money is supposed to move. It was near the end of M1 when it hit me that in the most practical sense, money does “make the world go round”. All our events and CIPs, things that have good intentions, require money. Taking on the role as treasurer would put me in a better position to make an impact.”

Tips for future MIF reps:
As MIF rep, you just need to be very cautious with logistics because you’re dealing with very small items. It’s a great help to have a group of friends to assist with all the logistics. Another thing would be that you need to be accommodating for any lapses, because it’s nearly impossible to have things run without small hiccups along the way.

Signing off with a fun fact…
“In Sec 4 I weighed 115kg!”