Academic AFFAIRS DiRectorate
EduTeam supports the training and development of medical students to become caring and competent doctors. This is achieved through 3 “E” tracks:
Empowering Learning
To foster a conducive learning environment by providing updated and relevant resources through lectures initiated by students for students.
Encouraging Mentorship
To nurture a culture of near-peer mentorship by inspiring a passion for teaching and learning.
Engendering Change
To address educational needs through student-led advocacy and partnership with relevant stakeholders, such as the NUS Medicine Dean’s Office, and Centre for Medical Education (CenMED).
Academic Resources Curation
We maintain a pool of academic resources curated by students, for students. These include notes provided by students, tutorial resources and useful documents shared by tutors. These resources aim to facilitate the learning process for students throughout their medical school years.
M1 and M3 Lecture Series
We conduct academic sharing sessions at certain junctures in the year, where our members provide useful tips and advice for exam preparation. This is mainly done for the Phase 1 and Phase 3 students. These sessions also serve to highlight important content points which should be focused on for examinations, and at the same time keeping it relevant for future clinical use.
Senior-Teach-Junior Mentorship Programmes
We offer students the opportunity to mentor their juniors and be mentored by seniors throughout the course of the academic year. In the upcoming years, we hope to make changes to allow students to better integrate the knowledge, rather than push for hardcore memorisation. This is in tune with the changing needs of the students, and increased accessibility of medical knowledge through the internet.
Needs Assessment And Curriculum Review
We aim to continuously advocate for improvements to the curriculum and learning environment by working with each batch to gather feedback and present the feedback to the faculty. This is especially imperative with the recent changes in curriculum.
The directorate's work is not characterised by a series of discrete events, but a continuum of academic support services across the year. This ranges from timely academic helpline responses to academic sharing sessions, amongst others. Students can look forward to benefiting from:
Mock Exams
We help to facilitate student preparation for their exams by organising mock exam sessions during the exam period. Examples include Mock OSCEs for clinical year students to let them practice their clinical skills prior to the Professional Exams at the end of each academic year. We have extended this to the CSFP mentorship programme for them to have a taster as to what an OSCE is like before their CSFP OSCE examination.
Picture Credits: Craig Tan (co 2025)
We support student learning in conjunction with the school’s curriculum by organising workshops tailored to students’ educational needs. These include the Medical Science Bridging Course and M2 CSFP Workshop, which are introductory workshops to biology concepts and physical examination skills respectively.