Welfare Directorate
It goes without saying that medical school isn’t easy and we all need some support from time to time! The welfare directorate aims to help improve the wellbeing of medical students through hosting various fun activities throughout the year and distributing free goodies! Outside of direct student engagement, we also oversee donations and distributions of old textbooks and uniforms for student use as well as converse with the Dean’s Office on matters regarding student welfare!
Picture Credits: Jared Ng (co 2023)
Medflix (Aug/Sept)
Our very own “Netflix and Chill” session, Medflix is an evening of food and music followed by a movie screening! This helps students get together and bond with their newfound friends at the start of the new AY, taking a chill evening off a hectic first few weeks of school
Picture Credits: Craig Tan (co 2025)
Friendship Day (Jan/Feb)
Friends are one of the important support systems in medical school, as they are always there to listen to our struggles and pick you up when you are down! As such, Friendship Day is a day for students to celebrate each other. Held in the start of Sem 2, this event allows students to show gratitude for the support their friends have given them the past semester and also as a day to cheer each other on for the final stretch leading up to professional exams!
Welfare Meals
Nearing pros exam season, we work together with the Dean’s Office to organise a welfare meal in school for the lower Ms! For upper Ms, are given vouchers instead as they no longer based in NUS and are posted to various healthcare institutions!
Welfare Packs
In collaboration with NUSSU and Mednurse Club, we help distribute welfare packs to students!
Longitudinal Initiatives
Outside of one-off student-facing events, we also run other initiatives behind the scenes!
Medsoc Marketplace
We welcome donations of old textbooks and uniforms from alumni and make them available for student use!
Medsoc Room
We help to organise the Medsoc room and keep inventory of its items!