National Medical Students’ Convention 2022: "Through the eyes of Medical Students: Challenges we face and Hopes we share,"

The National Medical Students’ Convention (NMSC) is finally back after 2 years! 🩺💊

NMSC 2022 Telegram Channel Invite Link: Join here!

NMSC 2022 Sign up Link: Sign up here!


NMSC 2022 will be held at Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS, from 30th of April (10am-6pm) - 1st of May (9am-6pm)🕰, with students from our 3 local medical schools - Duke-NUS Medical School, NUS YLL School of Medicine and NTU LKC School of Medicine.

NMSC provides medical students with a platform to engage in discussions regarding challenges and issues which are pertinent to us both in school and our future workplace. It also aims to help foster meaningful interactions among medical students across all three schools. We will be running centralised workshops and electives of 3 different sub-themes. Apart from interactive workshops and insightful discussions, you can also look forward to talks by invited junior and senior doctors.

Why Join NMSC?

Unlike other formal engagements that you may have participated in before, NMSC is a completely student-centred, one-of-its-kind convention. With students at the heart of the event, we hope to foster a space for open and honest discussion on a range of topics, including controversial topics that may be challenging to tackle in other formal medical engagements.

NMSC 2022 will feature talks by invited speakers, group activities, brainstorming sessions and reflection sessions, and finally a presentations by participants to conclude the event. All participants will be presented with a certificates of participation too! All these exciting events will be held as either Workshops or Electives. Workshops are centralised events attended by all participants together, while electives will be attended based on the track all participants will be allocated to.

What are tracks?

This year, NMSC 2022 will be divided into three tracks: Medical School, The Hospital and Beyond the Hospital, representing the present, near and distant future respectively. You will also be able to rank your interest in these three domains for allocation, subject to places available.

Click on to find out more about the tracks!

  • 1. Discussing the Current Education System | Better understand the decision-making process behind current medical education and discuss how improvements can be made.

    2. Think tank: Medical Education Problems and Design a Medical Curriculum | Envision and share solutions to problems we encounter in our personal medical school journeys and learn how to apply basic design thinking concepts in medical curriculum design.

  • 1. Why Are Our Healthcare Professionals Leaving? | Discuss considerations behind healthcare administration, clarify common misconceptions and raise suggestions

    2. Character-Building | Join a safe and friendly platform to respond and learn from difficult situations we may face in the hospital

    Medical Media Medley | Discuss your thoughts on the representation of healthcare workers’ working environment through media and reflect on the root causes behind commonly-raised issues.

  • 1. Alternative Pathways to Practice | Gain exposure to alternative meaningful career pathways in Medicine other than clinical practice.

    2. Hot Topics! | Debate on motions such as “All medical specialties should be paid the same.” and join focus group discussions on pursuing alternative career pathways.

What about presentations?

At the end of the convention, participants will be regrouped with students from different tracks to share their takeaways, and also make more friends!

NMSC 2022 Telegram Channel Invite Link: Join here!

NMSC 2022 Sign up Link: Sign up here!

Brought to you by the TriMedSoc Alliance in collaboration with the Singapore Medical Association.

Proudly sponsored by Medical Protection Society